Building from Last Year

  1. If last year’s virtual machine is running, log in and shut it down:

    sudo shutdown -h now
  2. In VirtualBox, create a clone of last year’s virtual machine by selecting it and Machine > Clone, and choosing the following settings:

    • New machine name
      • Name: neurowiki_YYYY (new year here)
      • Do NOT check “Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards”
    • Clone type
      • Full clone
    • Snapshots
      • Current machine state
  3. After cloning the virtual machine, select it and choose Machine > Group. Click on the new group’s name (“New group”), click Group > Rename Group, and rename the group to the current year. Finally, drag-and-drop the new group into the “BIOL 373” group.

  4. Using VirtualBox, take a snapshot of the current state of the new virtual machine. Name it “Cloned from neurowiki_YYYY” (old year).

  5. Start the new virtual machine and log in:

  6. Check for and install system updates on the virtual machine:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get autoremove
  7. Install this new package if necessary,

    Package Description
    jq lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor

    using the following:

    sudo apt-get install jq
  8. If it is not already installed, download and install the wiki reset script:

    sudo wget -O /usr/local/sbin/reset-wiki

    Set the MySQL password inside the script:

    read -s -r -p "MySQL password: " DBPASS && echo && sudo sed -i '/^SQLPASS=/s|=.*|='$DBPASS'|' /usr/local/sbin/reset-wiki; DBPASS=

    Choose a password for a new wiki account that will be created by the reset script and store it inside the script (you will need this again in step 11):

    read -s -r -p "Wiki password for new bot account (min 8 chars): " BOTPASS && echo && sudo sed -i '/^BOTPASS=/s|=.*|='$BOTPASS'|' /usr/local/sbin/reset-wiki; BOTPASS=

    Protect the passwords:

    sudo chown root:www-data /usr/local/sbin/reset-wiki
    sudo chmod ug=rwx,o= /usr/local/sbin/reset-wiki

    If you are curious about the contents of the script, you can view it here:


    Direct link

    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Global variables                                                 ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    # The user name and, optionally, the password of a wiki account that
    # will be used to interact with the wiki through the MediaWiki API.
    # User names and passwords are case-sensitive. If the password is left
    # blank here, you will be prompted for it when it is needed.
    # The names of the MediaWiki and Django databases and, optionally, the
    # MySQL password. If the password is left blank here, you will be
    # prompted for it when it is needed.
    # The user names of wiki accounts that should be ignored by this
    # script. The following will be preserved for accounts in this list:
    # MediaWiki and Django accounts, files uploaded, User and Private
    # pages. If you have a TA from last semester who is continuing to work
    # with you in the upcoming semester, you can include them here so that
    # you do not need to re-setup their account privileges. User names are
    # case-sensitive and should be separated with spaces.
    IGNOREUSERS="Hjc Jpg18"
    # The titles of pages that should be ignored by this script. User and
    # Private pages of accounts in the IGNOREUSERS list are automatically
    # preserved, as are all pages outside of the User, User talk, Private,
    # and Private talk namespaces. Use this variable to preserve important
    # pages in these namespaces. Page titles are case-sensitive. Spaces in
    # titles should be replaced with underscores, and titles should be
    # separated by spaces.
    # The user names of wiki accounts that will be used for merging old
    # accounts. User names are case-sensitive.
    # MediaWiki provides an API for querying the server. We will use it
    # to log into the bot account.
    # Since the UserMerge extension lacks an API, to use it we must
    # simulate human actions through a browser using the normal access
    # point used by human visitors to the wiki.
    # Maintaining a login session requires that we store an HTTP cookie
    # file.
    # MediaWiki namespace constants
    # The functions below set and use the following additional global
    # variables
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Logging                                                          ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    # Create a log directory if it does not exist.
    mkdir -p $LOGDIR
    # Log files are dated.
    LOGFULLPATH="$LOGDIR/reset-wiki-$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S').log"
    # Redirect stdout ( > ) into a named pipe ( >() ) running tee, which
    # allows text printed to the screen to also be written to a file.
    exec > >(tee -i "$LOGFULLPATH")
    # Also redirect stderr ( 2> ) to stdout ( &1 ) so that it too is
    # printed to the screen and written to the file.
    exec 2>&1
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: userexists                                             ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Checks whether a user account exists on the wiki. Returns 0 if   ##
    ## it exists or 1 otherwise. Prompts for the account name if one    ##
    ## was not provided as an argument when the function was called.    ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function userexists {
        local USER=$1
        local RESPONSE
        local MISSING
        local USERID
        # If the name of account is not passed as a function argument, ask
        # for it now.
        if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
            read -r -p "User name (to check for existence): " USER
            if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
                echo >&2 "User existence check aborted: You must enter a username"
                return 1
        # Request basic information about the account.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=query" \
            -d "format=json" \
            -d "list=users" \
            -d "ususers=$USER")
        MISSING=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.query.users[0].missing')
        USERID=$( echo $RESPONSE | jq '.query.users[0].userid')
        if [ "$MISSING" == null -a "$USERID" != null ]; then
            # User exists, so return true (0)
            return 0
            # User is missing, so return false (1)
            return 1
    } # end userexists
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: usergroups                                             ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Prints out the list of groups to which a user on the wiki        ##
    ## belongs. The result will be in the form of a JSON array of       ##
    ## strings if the user exists, or "null" otherwise. Prompts for the ##
    ## account name if one was not provided as an argument when the     ##
    ## function was called.                                             ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function usergroups {
        local USER=$1
        local RESPONSE
        local USERGROUPS
        # If the name of account is not passed as a function argument, ask
        # for it now.
        if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
            read -r -p "User name (to check for groups): " USER
            if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
                echo >&2 "User group check aborted: You must enter a username"
                return 1
        # Request group information about the account.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=query" \
            -d "format=json" \
            -d "list=users" \
            -d "ususers=$USER" \
            -d "usprop=groups")
        USERGROUPS=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.query.users[0].groups')
        echo $USERGROUPS
    } # end usergroups
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: loginbot                                               ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Logs the bot into the wiki so that it can perform automated      ##
    ## tasks. Prompts for the bot account password if one was not       ##
    ## provided as an argument when the function was called. If         ##
    ## successful, the function saves an HTTP cookie associated with    ##
    ## the login session and updates the BOTISLOGGEDIN global variable. ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function loginbot {
        local BOTPASS=$1
        local RESPONSE
        local LOGINTOKEN
        local LOGINSTATUS
        local WARNING
        local ERROR
        # If the bot account password is not passed as a function
        # argument, ask for it now.
        if [ -z "$BOTPASS" ]; then
            read -s -r -p "Enter $BOTNAME's password: " BOTPASS
        # Delete any old cookie files.
        rm -f "$COOKIE"
        # Logging into the wiki is a two-step process. This first step
        # should result in the receipt of an HTTP cookie (saved to a file
        # using -c) and a login token (a random string) that is paired to
        # the cookie.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s -c "$COOKIE" $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=query" \
            -d "meta=tokens" \
            -d "type=login" \
            -d "format=json")
        LOGINTOKEN=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.query.tokens.logintoken | @uri' | tr -d '"')
        if [ "$LOGINTOKEN" == "null" ]; then
            WARNING=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.warnings.tokens | .["*"]' | tr -d '"')
            echo >&2 "Login token retrieval failed: $WARNING"
            return 1
        # The second step for logging in submits the cookie (submitted
        # from a file using -b) and login token, along with the username
        # and password, and should result in the receipt of a modified
        # HTTP cookie (saved to the same file using -c). A valid return
        # URL is required to log in but is not used by this script.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s -b "$COOKIE" -c "$COOKIE" $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=clientlogin" \
            -d "format=json" \
            -d "username=$BOTNAME" \
            -d "password=$BOTPASS" \
            -d "loginreturnurl=http://localhost" \
            -d "logintoken=$LOGINTOKEN")
        LOGINSTATUS=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.clientlogin.status' | tr -d '"')
        if [ "$LOGINSTATUS" == "FAIL" ]; then
            ERROR=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.clientlogin.message' | tr -d '"')
            echo >&2 "Login failed: $ERROR"
            return 1
        if [ "$LOGINSTATUS" == "PASS" ]; then
            echo "Login successful."
            return 0
            echo >&2 "Login failed: Result was expected to be 'PASS' but got '$LOGINSTATUS' instead"
            return 1
    } # end loginbot
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: createandpromoteaccount                                ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Creates a new account on the wiki. Requires that the username of ##
    ## the new account is passed as the first argument when the         ##
    ## function is called. Prompts for a password. Can optionally       ##
    ## accept any of the following flags for promoting the account to a ##
    ## user group: --bot --bureaucrat --sysop                           ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function createandpromoteaccount {
        local NEWUSER=$1
        local FLAGS=${@:2} # all args after the first
        local NEWPASS1=
        local NEWPASS2=
        # Ask for a password
        read -s -r -p "Choose a password for $NEWUSER (min 8 chars): " NEWPASS1
        read -s -r -p "Retype the password: " NEWPASS2
        until [ "$NEWPASS1" == "$NEWPASS2" -a "${#NEWPASS1}" -ge "8" ]; do
            echo "Passwords did not match or are too short, try again."
            read -s -r -p "Choose a password for $NEWUSER (min 8 chars): " NEWPASS1
            read -s -r -p "Retype the password: " NEWPASS2
        # Actually create the account and promote it to the appropriate
        # user groups
        php /var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force $FLAGS "$NEWUSER" "$NEWPASS1"
    } # end createandpromoteaccount
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: getedittoken                                           ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Requests an edit token from the wiki. Edit tokens are random     ##
    ## strings of letters and numbers needed to take most actions on    ##
    ## the wiki, including merging users. Stores the edit token in the  ##
    ## global variable EDITTOKEN.                                       ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function getedittoken {
        local RESPONSE
        local WARNING
        # Request the edit token.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s -b "$COOKIE" -c "$COOKIE" $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=tokens" \
            -d "format=json")
        if [ "$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.tokens')" == "[]" ]; then
            WARNING=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.warnings.tokens | .["*"]' | tr -d '"')
            echo >&2 "Edit token retrieval failed: $WARNING"
            return 1
        EDITTOKEN=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.tokens.edittoken | @uri' | tr -d '"')
        return 0
    } # end getedittoken
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: getuserrightstoken                                     ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Requests a userrights token from the wiki. Userrights tokens are ##
    ## random strings of letters and numbers needed to make changes to  ##
    ## user properties, such as group membership. Stores the userrights ##
    ## token in the global variable USERRIGHTSTOKEN.                    ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function getuserrightstoken {
        local RESPONSE
        local WARNING
        # Request the userrights token.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s -b "$COOKIE" -c "$COOKIE" $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=query" \
            -d "meta=tokens" \
            -d "type=userrights" \
            -d "format=json")
        USERRIGHTSTOKEN=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.query.tokens.userrightstoken | @uri' | tr -d '"')
        if [ "$USERRIGHTSTOKEN" == "null" ]; then
            WARNING=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.warnings.tokens | .["*"]' | tr -d '"')
            echo >&2 "Userrights token retrieval failed: $WARNING"
            return 1
        return 0
    } # end getuserrightstoken
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: demotesysop                                            ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Removes a wiki user from the sysop group. Requires that the bot  ##
    ## is already logged in and an edit token is already acquired, so   ##
    ## run the loginbot and getedittoken functions first. Prompts for   ##
    ## the username of the account to be demoted if one was not         ##
    ## provided as an argument when the function was called.            ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function demotesysop {
        local USER=$1
        local RESPONSE
        # If the name of the sysop account to be demoted is not passed as
        # a function argument, ask for it now.
        if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
            read -r -p "User name (to demote): " USER
            if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
                echo >&2 "Demote sysop aborted: You must enter a username"
                return 1
        # Verify that the bot can edit user rights.
        BOTISBUREAUCRAT=$(usergroups $BOTNAME | jq '. | contains(["bureaucrat"])')
        if [ "$BOTISBUREAUCRAT" != "true" ]; then
            echo >&2 "Demote sysop aborted: Bot must be added to the bureaucrat group"
            return 1
        # Get a userrights token.
        until getuserrightstoken; do
        # Request the demotion.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s -b "$COOKIE" -c "$COOKIE" $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=userrights" \
            -d "format=json" \
            -d "user=$USER" \
            -d "remove=sysop" \
            -d "token=$USERRIGHTSTOKEN")
        if [ "$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.userrights.removed[]' | tr -d '"')" == "sysop" ]; then
            return 0
            echo >&2 "Demote sysop failed: User may have already been demoted"
            return 1
    } # end demotesysop
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: usermerge                                              ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Merges one wiki account ("old") into another ("new") and deletes ##
    ## the former. All contributions belonging to the old account       ##
    ## (edits, uploads) are reassigned to the new account. The logs are ##
    ## revised as well. Depends on the UserMerge MediaWiki extension.   ##
    ## Requires that the bot is already logged in and an edit token is  ##
    ## already acquired, so run the loginbot and getedittoken functions ##
    ## first. Sysop users cannot be merged into another account, so use ##
    ## demotesysop first if necessary. User names of the old and new    ##
    ## accounts can be passed as the first and second function          ##
    ## arguments, respectively. If either argument is missing, the      ##
    ## function will prompt for the user names. User names are          ##
    ## case-sensitive.                                                  ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function usermerge {
        local OLDUSER=$1
        local NEWUSER=$2
        local RESPONSE
        local ERROR
        local SUCCESS
        local OUTPUT="/tmp/response.html"
        # If either the old or new user was not passed as a function
        # argument, ask for both now.
        if [ -z "$OLDUSER" -o -z "$NEWUSER" ]; then
            read -r -p "Old user (merge from): " OLDUSER
            if [ -z "$OLDUSER" ]; then
                echo >&2 "User merge aborted: You must enter a username"
                return 1
            read -r -p "New user (merge to): " NEWUSER
            if [ -z "$NEWUSER" ]; then
                echo >&2 "User merge aborted: You must enter a username"
                return 1
        # Request to merge users.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s -b "$COOKIE" -c "$COOKIE" $WIKIINDEX \
            -d "title=Special:UserMerge" \
            -d "wpolduser=$OLDUSER" \
            -d "wpnewuser=$NEWUSER" \
            -d "wpdelete=1" \
            -d "wpEditToken=$EDITTOKEN")
        # Attempt to detect any error messages in the response.
        ERROR=$(echo $RESPONSE | sed -n -e "s/.*\(<span class=\"error\">\)\s*\([^<>]*\)\s*\(<\/span>\).*/\2/ p")
        if [ -n "$ERROR" ]; then
            echo >&2 "User merge aborted: $ERROR"
            return 1
        # Attempt to detect a success message in the response.
        SUCCESS=$(echo $RESPONSE | sed -n -e "s/.*\(Merge from [^<>]* is complete\.\).*/\1/ p")
        if [ -n "$SUCCESS" ]; then
            echo "Success: $SUCCESS"
            return 0
        # The function would have returned by now if either the error or
        # success pattern matching steps had found something.
        echo $RESPONSE > $OUTPUT
        echo >&2 "User merge aborted: The server responded in an unexpected way."
        echo >&2 "I've saved the response in $OUTPUT if you'd like to inspect it."
        return 1
    } # end usermerge
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: validatesqlpass                                        ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## The first time this function is executed, it will prompt for the ##
    ## MySQL password if none was provided at the top of this file (it  ##
    ## is recommended that this file is kept free of passwords for      ##
    ## improved security). It then tests the password. This repeats if  ##
    ## the password was incorrect until a correct password is given or  ##
    ## the user aborts. If this function is executed again later after  ##
    ## the correct password was obtained, it will silently double check ##
    ## that the password is still working and return.                   ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function validatesqlpass {
        # If the password is not provided at the top of this file
        # (it is recommended that this file is kept free of passwords for
        # improved security) and this function has not been executed
        # already, prompt for the password now.
        if [ -z "$SQLPASS" ]; then
            read -s -r -p "Enter the MySQL password: " SQLPASS
        # If the password was provided at the top of this file, or if it
        # was acquired when this function was previously executed, test
        # the password, and if it works, return.
        elif $(echo "" | mysql --user=$SQLUSER --password=$SQLPASS >/dev/null 2>&1); then
            return 0
        # No password or an incorrect password was provided at the top of
        # this file, and this function has not been executed previously to
        # obtain the correct password, so enter this loop.
        while true; do
            # Check again whether the password works.
            if $(echo "" | mysql --user=$SQLUSER --password=$SQLPASS >/dev/null 2>&1); then
                # If it works this time, provide feedback to the user and
                # return.
                echo "The MySQL password you entered is correct."
                return 0
                # If it does not work this time, provide feedback to the
                # user and ask again.
                echo "The MySQL password you entered is incorrect."
                read -s -r -p "Enter the MySQL password: " SQLPASS
    } # end validatesqlpass
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: querywikidb                                            ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Submits a MySQL query to the MediaWiki database. validatesqlpass ##
    ## should be executed at least once before submitting a query.      ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function querywikidb {
        local QUERY=$1
        # Submit the query and suppress a warning about using passwords on
        # the command line.
        echo "$QUERY" | mysql --user=$SQLUSER --password=$SQLPASS -N $WIKIDB 2>&1 | grep -v "\[Warning\] Using a password"
    } # end querywikidb
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: querydjangodb                                          ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Submits a MySQL query to the Django database. validatesqlpass    ##
    ## should be executed at least once before submitting a query.      ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function querydjangodb {
        local QUERY=$1
        # Submit the query and suppress a warning about using passwords on
        # the command line.
        echo "$QUERY" | mysql --user=$SQLUSER --password=$SQLPASS -N $DJANGODB 2>&1 | grep -v "\[Warning\] Using a password"
    } # end querydjangodb
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: listnonsysops                                          ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Prints out a list of all users on the wiki who are not           ##
    ## admins/sysops (usually students or recently demoted TAs).        ##
    ## Usernames provided as arguments to the function will be filtered ##
    ## out of the list.                                                 ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function listnonsysops {
        local EXCLUSIONS
        # Create a regular expression that matches any user names that
        # were passed as arguments to this function call.
        EXCLUSIONS="^($(echo $* | tr -s ' ' '|'))$"
        # Query for all users who are not members of the sysop group and
        # who are not among the excluded user name list.
        querywikidb "SELECT user_name FROM user WHERE user_id NOT IN (SELECT ug_user FROM user_groups WHERE ug_group = 'sysop') AND user_name NOT REGEXP '$EXCLUSIONS';"
    } # end listnonsysops
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: listsysops                                             ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Prints out a list of all users on the wiki who are admins/sysops ##
    ## (instructors and the bot account). Usernames provided as         ##
    ## arguments to the function will be filtered out of the list.      ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function listsysops {
        local EXCLUSIONS
        # Create a regular expression that matches any user names that
        # were passed as arguments to this function call.
        EXCLUSIONS="^($(echo $* | tr -s ' ' '|'))$"
        # Query for all users who are members of the sysop group and who
        # are not among the excluded user name list.
        querywikidb "SELECT user_name FROM user WHERE user_id IN (SELECT ug_user FROM user_groups WHERE ug_group = 'sysop') AND user_name NOT REGEXP '$EXCLUSIONS';"
    } # end listsysops
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: listpages                                              ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Prints out a list of all pages from specified namespaces.        ##
    ## Prompts for one or more namespace constants (integers separated  ##
    ## by spaces) if one was not provided as an argument when the       ##
    ## function was called.                                             ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function listpages {
        local NS_CONSTANTS="$*"
        # If namespace constants are not passed as function arguments, ask
        # for them now.
        if [ -z "$NS_CONSTANTS" ]; then
            read -r -p "Namespace constants (integers separated by spaces): " NS_CONSTANTS
            if [ -z "$NS_CONSTANTS" ]; then
                echo >&2 "List pages aborted: You must enter one or more namespace constants"
                return 1
        # Query for all pages in the specified namespaces
        for NS in $NS_CONSTANTS; do
            if [ $NS == $NS_TALK ]; then
            elif [ $NS == $NS_USER ]; then
            elif [ $NS == $NS_USER_TALK ]; then
                NSTITLE="User talk"
            elif [ $NS == $NS_PRIVATE ]; then
            elif [ $NS == $NS_PRIVATE_TALK ]; then
                NSTITLE="Private talk"
            querywikidb "SELECT CONCAT('$NSTITLE:', page_title) FROM page WHERE page_namespace=$NS;"
    } # end listpages
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: listfiles                                              ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Prints out a list of all files uploaded to the wiki. Usernames   ##
    ## provided as arguments to the function will have their uploaded   ##
    ## files be filtered out of the list.                               ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function listfiles {
        local EXCLUSIONS
        # If any user names were passed as arguments with this function
        # call, construct a MySQL phrase that will exclude their uploaded
        # files from the query
        if [ -n "$*" ]; then
            EXCLUSIONS=$(echo "$*" | tr -s ' ' '|')
            EXCLUSIONS="WHERE img_user NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name REGEXP '$EXCLUSIONS')"
        # Query for all files uploaded by anyone not on the excluded user
        # list
        querywikidb "SELECT CONCAT('File:', img_name) FROM image $EXCLUSIONS;"
    } # end listfiles
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: deletepageorfile                                       ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Deletes a wiki page or uploaded file. Requires that the bot is   ##
    ## already logged in and an edit token is already acquired, so run  ##
    ## the loginbot and getedittoken functions first. Prompts for the   ##
    ## page or file title if one was not provided as an argument when   ##
    ## the function was called. For pages in namespaces other than      ##
    ## Main, include the namespace prefix. For files, include "File:".  ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function deletepageorfile {
        local TITLE=$1
        local TITLEESCAPED
        local RESPONSE
        # If the page title is not passed as a function argument, ask for
        # it now.
        if [ -z "$TITLE" ]; then
            read -r -p "Page/file title (to delete): " TITLE
            if [ -z "$TITLE" ]; then
                echo >&2 "Page/file delete aborted: You must enter a page or file title"
                return 1
        # Replace underscores in the title with spaces
        TITLE=$(echo $TITLE | tr '_' ' ')
        # Create a safe-for-URL version of the title with escaped special
        # characters
        TITLEESCAPED=$(echo "{\"title\":\"$TITLE\"}" | jq '.title | @uri' | tr -d '"')
        # Request the deletion.
        RESPONSE=$(curl -s -b "$COOKIE" -c "$COOKIE" $WIKIAPI \
            -d "action=delete" \
            -d "format=json" \
            -d "title=$TITLEESCAPED" \
            -d "token=$EDITTOKEN" \
            -d "reason=Mass deletion of former student content")
        if [ "$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.delete.title' | tr -d '"')" == "$TITLE" ]; then
            echo "Successful deletion: $TITLE"
            return 0
            echo >&2 "Failed: $TITLE NOT deleted: $RESPONSE"
            return 1
    } # end deletepageorfile
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: continueprompt                                         ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Asks the user if they want to continue with the script. Aborts   ##
    ## if they press any key other than 'c'.                            ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function continueprompt {
        local PROMPT
        read -r -n 1 -p "Press 'c' to continue, or any other key to quit: " PROMPT
        if [ "$PROMPT" != "c" ]; then
            exit 0
    } # end continueprompt
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Function: retryprompt                                            ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Asks the user if they want to retry some action that failed.     ##
    ## Aborts if they press any key other than 'r'.                     ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    function retryprompt {
        local PROMPT
        read -r -n 1 -p "Press 'r' to retry, or any other key to quit: " PROMPT
        if [ "$PROMPT" != "r" ]; then
            exit 0
    } # end retryprompt
    ##                                                                  ##
    ## Main: Functions are actually called here                         ##
    ##                                                                  ##
    # Since this script is very powerful, require sudo
    if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then
        echo >&2 "Aborted: superuser priveleges needed (rerun with sudo)"
        exit 1
    # Acquire the MySQL password
    echo "\
    This script can be used to clean up the wiki in preparation for a new
    semester. It will *irreversibly* remove all student content, including
    lab notebooks, term papers, files uploaded by students, grades (but
    not assignments), survey responses (but not surveys), and all related
    log entries.
    This script will perform the following actions:
        1.  Log into the wiki using a bot account. The bot will perform
            many of the operations on the wiki.
        2.  Merge all student accounts into the \"$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME\" account.
        3.  Merge the accounts of all former TAs into the
            \"$MERGEDINSTRUCNAME\" account.
        4.  Reversibly delete pages in the following namespaces:
                - User & Private            (lab notebooks and term papers)
                - User talk & Private talk  (comments on student work)
        5.  Reversibly delete files uploaded by students.
        6.  Permanently delete the pages, files, and related log entries.
        7.  Delete grades.
        8.  Clean up wiki logs.
        9.  Delete survey responses.
    You will be prompted at every step for permission to continue.
    All output from this script will be recorded in the file
    echo "\
    **               STEP 1: LOG INTO THE BOT ACCOUNT                   **
    # Ensure that the bot account exists
    until userexists "$BOTNAME"; do
        echo "\
    The bot account, $BOTNAME, does not exist on the wiki. This
    script will create it now. The account will also be promoted to the
    bot, bureaucrat, and administrator (sysop) groups.
        until createandpromoteaccount "$BOTNAME" --bot --bureaucrat --sysop; do
    # Ensure that the bot account has the correct privileges, in case it
    # was manually demoted
    until $(usergroups $BOTNAME | jq '. | contains(["bot", "bureaucrat", "sysop"])') == "true"; do
        echo "\
    The bot account must belong to specific user groups so that it can
    have necessary privileges. This script will promote it now to the bot,
    bureaucrat, and administrator (sysop) groups. You will be asked to
    select a new password for the account. You may reuse the existing
    password if you like.
        until createandpromoteaccount "$BOTNAME" --bot --bureaucrat --sysop; do
    # Log into the account
    if [ -n "$BOTPASS" ]; then
        echo "Attempting bot login using password stored in this script ..."
        loginbot "$BOTPASS"
    until $BOTISLOGGEDIN; do
    echo "\
    **                 STEP 2: MERGE FORMER STUDENTS                    **
    # Ensure that the account for merging students exists
    until userexists "$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME"; do
        echo "\
    The account that will be used to merge students, $MERGEDSTUDENTNAME, does
    not exist on the wiki. This script will create it now.
        until createandpromoteaccount "$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME"; do
    # Acquire the list of former students
    USERCOUNT=$(echo "$USERLIST" | wc -l)
    if [ -n "$USERLIST" ]; then
        echo "\
    The following non-administrator accounts are assumed to be either
    students from last semester or accounts of random people who once
    logged into the wiki. These will be merged into the $MERGEDSTUDENTNAME
    account, and anything they ever did on the wiki will be destroyed in a
    later step. The merging process will delete the original accounts.
        OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n' # tell for-loop to delimit usernames by line breaks, not spaces
        for USER in $USERLIST; do
            REALNAME=$(querywikidb "SELECT user_real_name FROM user WHERE user_name='$USER';")
            echo -e "$USER \t($REALNAME)"
        echo "\
    Look over the list carefully. Continue only if everything looks right
    to you. If an account appears here that you do not want merged, you
    may edit this script and add the user name to the IGNOREUSERS global
    variable at the top of the file.
    Merging accounts can take a long time, so please be patient. You can
    press Ctrl+c to abort this script at any time.
        until getedittoken; do
        OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n' # tell for-loop to delimit usernames by line breaks, not spaces
        for USER in $USERLIST; do
            echo -n "[$ITER/$USERCOUNT] "
            until usermerge "$USER" "$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME"; do
            let ITER++
        echo "\
    Merging of former student accounts complete.
        echo "\
    All former student accounts have already been merged and deleted.
    echo "\
    **                STEP 3: MERGE FORMER INSTRUCTORS                  **
    # Ensure that the account for merging instructors exists
    until userexists "$MERGEDINSTRUCNAME"; do
        echo "\
    The account that will be used to merge instructors, $MERGEDINSTRUCNAME,
    does not exist on the wiki. This script will create it now.
        until createandpromoteaccount "$MERGEDINSTRUCNAME"; do
    # Acquire the list of former instructors
    USERCOUNT=$(echo "$USERLIST" | wc -l)
    if [ -n "$USERLIST" ]; then
        echo "\
    The following administrator accounts are assumed to be TAs from last
    semester. These will be merged into the $MERGEDINSTRUCNAME account.
    Their contributions to the wiki will be preserved under the merged
    account. The merging process will delete the original accounts.
        OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n' # tell for-loop to delimit usernames by line breaks, not spaces
        for USER in $USERLIST; do
            REALNAME=$(querywikidb "SELECT user_real_name FROM user WHERE user_name='$USER';")
            echo -e "$USER \t($REALNAME)"
        echo "\
    Look over the list carefully. Continue only if everything looks right
    to you. If an account appears here that you do not want merged, you
    may edit this script and add the user name to the IGNOREUSERS global
    variable at the top of the file.
    Merging accounts can take a long time, so please be patient. You can
    press Ctrl+c to abort this script at any time.
        until getedittoken; do
        OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n' # tell for-loop to delimit usernames by line breaks, not spaces
        for USER in $USERLIST; do
            echo -n "[$ITER/$USERCOUNT] "
            until demotesysop "$USER"; do
            until usermerge "$USER" "$MERGEDINSTRUCNAME"; do
            let ITER++
        echo "\
    Merging of former instructor accounts complete.
        echo "\
    All former instructor accounts have already been merged and deleted.
    echo "\
    **          STEP 4: DELETE LAB NOTEBOOKS AND TERM PAPERS            **
    # List all pages in the User, User talk, Private, and Private talk
    # namespaces.
    # Create a regular expression that matches all pages in the
    # IGNOREPAGES list, as well as the User and Private pages (including
    # subpages, e.g., User:Foo/Bar) of all users in the IGNOREUSERS list.
    REGEXPIGNORE="^$(echo $IGNOREPAGES | tr -s ' ' '|')|((Private:|)User:($(echo $IGNOREUSERS | tr -s ' ' '|'))(/.*|_'.*|))$"
    # List the User and Private pages of all users in the IGNOREUSERS
    # list, which will not be deleted.
    # List the remaining pages, which will be deleted, and count them.
    PAGECOUNT=$(echo "$PAGELISTDEL" | wc -l)
    if [ -n "$PAGELISTDEL" ]; then
        echo "\
    This step will reversibly delete pages in the following namespaces:
      - User & Private            (lab notebooks and term papers)
      - User talk & Private talk  (comments on student work)
    Pages listed in the IGNOREPAGES global variable at the top of this
    file will be ignored, as will the User and Private pages of users
    listed in the IGNOREUSERS global variable. The following pages will be
        echo "$PAGELISTIGN"
        echo "\
    The method used here is equivalent to clicking the \"Delete\" link on
    each page. The options to view the histories of these pages and
    undelete them will still be present on the wiki to instructors. This
    content will be permanently deleted in a later step.
    The total number of pages that will be deleted is: $PAGECOUNT
    Deleting pages can take a long time, so please be patient. You can
    press Ctrl+c to abort this script at any time.
        until getedittoken; do
        OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n' # tell for-loop to delimit page titles by line breaks, not spaces
        for PAGE in $PAGELISTDEL; do
            echo -n "[$ITER/$PAGECOUNT] "
            deletepageorfile "$PAGE"
            let ITER++
        echo "\
    Deletion of lab notebooks and term papers complete.
        echo "\
    All lab notebooks and term papers have already been deleted.
    # List all pages in the Talk namespace and count them.
    PAGELISTALL=$(listpages $NS_TALK)
    PAGECOUNT=$(echo "$PAGELISTALL" | wc -l)
    if [ -n "$PAGELISTALL" ]; then
        echo "\
    There is a namespace in which students can provide comments that may
    be worth reading now:
      - Talk  (comments on course materials)
    Since some of these pages may be comment exemplars provided with the
    term paper exemplars, and others might be student feedback that you
    should look at, they will not be deleted by this script. It is
    recommended that you look at each page now and delete it manually if
    that is appropriate.
    echo "\
    **                  STEP 5: DELETE STUDENT FILES                    **
    # List all files not uploaded by instructors and count them
    FILECOUNT=$(echo "$FILELIST" | wc -l)
    if [ -n "$FILELIST" ]; then
        echo "\
    This step will delete all files uploaded by non-instructors.
    The method used here is equivalent to clicking the \"Delete\" link on
    each file page. The options to view the histories of these files and
    undelete them will still be present on the wiki to instructors. Image
    thumbnails and resized versions of images are deleted in this step,
    freeing up potentially tens of gigabytes of hard drive space. The
    original files will be permanently deleted in a later step.
    The total number of files that will be deleted is: $FILECOUNT
    Deleting files can take a *VERY* long time (~0.6 sec per file = ~6000
    files per hour). If you are remotely connected to the server, it is
    highly recommended that you use the command line 'screen' utility
    while running this portion of the script. This will allow you to
    disconnect from the server without interrupting the script. To use it,
    quit this script and run the following:
        screen -dRR
    You will be placed in a pre-existing screen session if there is one;
    otherwise a new session will be created. From there you can run this
    script as before. If you want to disconnect from the server while the
    script is still running, press Ctrl+a d (the key combination Ctrl+a
    followed by the 'd' key alone). This will \"detach\" you from the screen
    session, and you will be returned to the normal command line where you
    can log out. To return to the screen session later, log into the
    server and enter the 'screen -dRR' command again. This works even if
    your connection to the server was accidentally interrupted without you
    manually logging out.
    You can press Ctrl+c to abort this script at any time.
        echo "Current disk usage:"
        echo "$(df -H /)"
        echo -n "Resetting filesystem permissions... "
        chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
        chmod -R ug+rw /var/www/
        echo "done"
        until getedittoken; do
        OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n' # tell for-loop to delimit file titles by line breaks, not spaces
        for FILE in $FILELIST; do
            if [ $(($ITER % 200)) -eq 0 ]; then
                # fetch a new edit token periodically so it does not expire
                until getedittoken; do
            echo -n "[$ITER/$FILECOUNT] "
            deletepageorfile "$FILE"
            let ITER++
        echo -n "Resetting filesystem permissions... "
        chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
        chmod -R ug+rw /var/www/
        echo "done"
        echo "Current disk usage:"
        echo "$(df -H /)"
        echo "\
    Deletion of student files complete.
        echo "\
    All student files have already been deleted.
    echo "\
    **            STEP 6: PERMANENTLY DELETE STUDENT CONTENT            **
    When a page or file is deleted on the wiki, it becomes inaccessible to
    normal users, and a pink box appears on the deleted page stating that
    the page was deleted. However, it is more accurate to say that the
    item was archived, since administrators can still review the revision
    history or restore the item.
    In this step, the pages and files deleted in prior steps will be
    permanently deleted, removing them and their revision histories
    completely from the wiki, and freeing up potentially gigabytes of hard
    drive space.
    Furthermore, all entries in the \"Recent changes\" and Special:Log lists
    that pertain to the deleted items will be removed, such as the
    thousands of edits made by students to their pages and instructors
    marking student comments as patrolled.
    These actions will apply not only to items deleted by this script, but
    also to items deleted manually.
    NOTE: Warnings may appear stating that files are \"not found in group
    'deleted'\". These should be ignored.
    echo "Current disk usage:"
    echo "$(df -H /)"
    echo -n "Resetting filesystem permissions... "
    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
    chmod -R ug+rw /var/www/
    echo "done"
    php /var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/deleteArchivedRevisions.php --delete
    php /var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/deleteArchivedFiles.php --delete --force
    echo -n "Resetting filesystem permissions... "
    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
    chmod -R ug+rw /var/www/
    echo "done"
    apache2ctl restart
    echo "Deleting relevant log entries..."
    # Remove records about deleting pages, files, and users. Necessary to
    # remove the pink "This page has been deleted" boxes.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'delete';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'delete';"
    # Remove records about student edits and uploads.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_user = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name = '$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME');"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_user = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name = '$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME');"
    # Remove records about patrolling student comments on term paper benchmarks.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'patrol';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'patrol';"
    echo "Current disk usage:"
    echo "$(df -H /)"
    echo "\
    Permanent deletion of archived pages and files complete.
    echo "\
    **                      STEP 7: DELETE GRADES                       **
    This step will delete the scores that former students received on
    assignments. The assignments themselves will not be changed. Entries
    in Special:Log/grades will be deleted as well.
    # Remove grades for former students.
    querywikidb "TRUNCATE TABLE scholasticgrading_adjustment;"
    querywikidb "TRUNCATE TABLE scholasticgrading_evaluation;"
    querywikidb "TRUNCATE TABLE scholasticgrading_groupuser;"
    # Remove records about assigning grades.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'grades';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'grades';"
    echo "\
    Deletion of grades complete.
    echo "\
    **                     STEP 8: WIKI LOG CLEANUP                     **
    This step will delete all remaining entries in the \"Recent changes\"
    and Special:Log lists that are remnants of the last semester or this
    # Remove records about actions taken by the bot.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_user = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name = '$BOTNAME');"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_user = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name = '$BOTNAME');"
    # Remove records about manually merging user accounts.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'usermerge';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'usermerge';"
    # Remove records about manually creating user accounts.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'newusers';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'newusers';"
    # Remove records about renaming user accounts.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'renameuser';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'renameuser';"
    # Remove records about adjusting group membership (e.g., term paper authors).
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'rights';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'rights';"
    # Remove records about moving/renaming pages and files.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_log_type = 'move';"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type = 'move';"
    # Remove watchlist entries for merged accounts.
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM watchlist WHERE wl_user = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name = '$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME');"
    querywikidb "DELETE FROM watchlist WHERE wl_user = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name = '$MERGEDINSTRUCNAME');"
    # Remove watchlist entries for pages and files that no longer exist.
    querywikidb "DELETE wl.* FROM watchlist AS wl LEFT JOIN page AS p ON (p.page_namespace = wl.wl_namespace AND p.page_title = wl.wl_title) WHERE p.page_id IS NULL;"
    echo "\
    Deletion of old log entries complete.
    echo "\
    **                 STEP 9: DELETE SURVEY RESPONSES                  **
    # Create a regular expression that matches the user names in the
    # IGNOREUSERS list
    REGEXPIGNORE="^($(echo $IGNOREUSERS | tr -s ' ' '|'))$"
    echo "\
    This step will delete all responses from students to surveys in the
    Django system and close all open surveys. All Django accounts will
    also be deleted, except those listed in the IGNOREUSERS global
    variable at the top of this file. The accounts that will be ignored
    querydjangodb "SELECT CONCAT(username, ' (', first_name, ' ', last_name, ')') FROM auth_user WHERE username REGEXP '$REGEXPIGNORE';"
    querydjangodb "TRUNCATE django_admin_log;"
    querydjangodb "TRUNCATE django_session;"
    querydjangodb "TRUNCATE survey_choiceanswer;"
    querydjangodb "TRUNCATE survey_ratinganswer;"
    querydjangodb "TRUNCATE survey_textanswer;"
    querydjangodb "TRUNCATE survey_surveycredit;"
    querydjangodb "TRUNCATE credit_team_members;"
    querydjangodb "DELETE FROM credit_team; ALTER TABLE credit_team AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;" # cannot be truncated because of a foreign key constraint
    querydjangodb "DELETE FROM auth_user WHERE username NOT REGEXP '$REGEXPIGNORE';"
    # Close all survey sessions.
    querydjangodb "UPDATE survey_surveysession SET open=0;"
    echo "\
    Deletion of survey responses complete.
    echo "\
    **                             FINISHED                             **
    This script is now finished. You should check that it has done its job
    by visiting these pages:
        - Special:ListUsers
          The only accounts that should be listed are the
          as well as those accounts that were listed in the IGNOREUSERS
        - Special:AllPages
          Check that the Main, Talk, User, User talk, Private, Private
          talk, and File namespaces are all absent of student content.
        - Special:ListFiles
          Check that this list is absent of student content.
        - Special:Log
          You should see only instructor actions listed on the front page.
          Using the drop-down menu, you can view specific logs, such as
          the grades log. Most of these should be empty, but a few will
          list instructor actions. This is intended.
        - Special:Log/$BOTNAME
        - Special:Log/$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME
        - Special:ListFiles/$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME
        - Special:Contributions/$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME
        - Special:DeletedContributions/$MERGEDSTUDENTNAME
          These lists should be empty.
        - Special:Grades
          There should not be any student grades listed.
        - Django admin page:
          The list of users should contain only those accounts listed in
          the IGNOREUSERS variable. There should be no teams. All survey
          sessions should be closed.
  9. Todo

    Add instructions for updating ignored users in the reset-wiki script and for first saving exemplars.

  10. Start a screen session:

    screen -dRR

    The screen session will allow you to disconnect from the server without interrupting the script as it runs.

  11. Run the script and follow the step-by-step instructions:

    sudo reset-wiki

    If this is the first time the script is run, three new wiki accounts will be created. You will be asked to choose passwords for each. It is fine to use the same password for all three. The password for the first account (the bot) must match the password stored in the script, which you specified in step 8. The passwords for the other two accounts will never be needed after they are created.

    Running this script can take a long time (hours). If you need to disconnect from the server while the script is running, press Ctrl-a d (that’s the key combination Ctrl-a followed by the d key alone) to detach from the screen session. You can then log out of the server. To return to the screen session later, just run screen -dRR again after logging in.

  12. Once the wiki has been successfully reset, shut down the virtual machine:

    sudo shutdown -h now
  13. Using VirtualBox, take a snapshot of the current state of the virtual machine. Name it “Former students’ wiki content deleted”.

  14. Delete the first snapshot, created in step 4, to save disk space.

  15. Restart the virtual machine and log in:

  16. Unlock the wiki so that students can make edits if it is still locked from the end of the last semester (running the command will tell you whether it is locked or unlocked):

    sudo lock-wiki
  17. Todo

    Need to add instructions for updating miscellaneous wiki pages, syllabus dates, assignment dates, survey session dates after resetting the wiki.